Little Green Footballs vs. The Huffington Post

An Analysis of the inherent differance between Right and Left by virtue of a close comparison of the two most popular political Le' Blog Polotick.

Monday, August 07, 2006

The Difference between Good and Bad

One thing I notice about the BlogOsphere is the difference between those that would consider themselves to be ‘Conservative/Republican’ and those that would consider themselves to be ‘Liberal/Democrat’ when concerning how they respond to certain specific issues.

I say ‘respond’ rather than how they ‘think’ because I believe I have deciphered a salient difference between the two camps, based only on the content of the most active Blogs from either side. It is my opinion, and I think it can be argued to be irrefutable, that Liberals actually respond differently from how they think many times. If only to express their unbridled hatred of George Bush most liberals will shut their brains off in the middle of an argument and bring up their protective shields of global events and circumstance that they blame on their fellow countrymen rather than even consider the fact that radical Islam may very well have much to do with where we are as a nation right now.


Try to make your point with most neo-liberals and you are met with numbers and far ranging generalities based loosely around current events. Numbers of dead Iraqi citizens, Palestinian Citizens, Lebanese citizens and American soldiers…but, curiously enough they seem to casually ignore the memory of 9/11 and the thousands of Americans as well as foreign nationals that died at the World Trade center, the Pentagon and flight 93 on that day.

If Liberals had their way America would have attacked Saudi Arabia intead of Aghanistan and then Iraq.Why you may ask? Simple...14 of the Hi-Jackers were Saudi Arabian Citizens!The Fact that America didn't fall for that bit of theatre that dumb assed yellow toothed Osama had produced must Seriously Screw with him...

Of Course if you're an Arab terrorist you're going to recruit and use Arabs from the Nation that when attacked in response for these mens crimes will suffer the most, and the ramifications of such an attack would Decimate the worlds supply of Black Gold!If Liberals had been in control at the time America would have fallen for such a ploy and acted as Al-Qaeda's greatest tool.

These guys are Arabs but they are Crazy people whose entire focus is to harm America and I am convinced that based upon the fact that many of these Evil-Doers were educated in American or British University that they are assuming our government would mirror the perspective of campus mentality and our 24 hour media outlets achieve to foment outward into the world...


and when we showed them that wasn't how the game is played at this became a WAR that America could win.


American intelligence read this perfectly and avoided being lead to continue the job that Al-Qaeda would have liked us to have completed for them ,but to listen to the vast majority of Left Leaning Bloggist they still firmly believe that we should have struck at Saudi Arabia above all else...

Arianna Huffington leads the most popular Liberal Blog in this opinion.

That's the mentality that rises up and now lays claim to the Democrat party and they make no apologies about it. I would be able to ignore this flubbery mass of thought were it not proving to be so over whelmingly apparent at the most visited (D) Blogs. The effect of seeing readers comments so culled and responded to like some nightmarrish newspaper Advice Column is quite unnerving at first but it quickly erodes into borrish,predictable and strangley enough entirely devoid of any quality humor.


It is my estimation then that Huffington Post and its sister site,Firedog Lake achieve their 'Market' by virtue of their open comments polocies and the appeal to and need for far left respondants that have no money.

These people firmly believe that 9/11 was an ‘inside job’. As disgusting as that idea is to republicans and, to be honest I have to assume even most Liberals, this is where most arguments end with the neo-liberal.


If you point out how ridiculous the idea is they retreat further and accuse you of being a: Troll, Sheep, a Shill, Fascist, a Ditto-head, etc… if you state a position in favor of the American military, western civilization vs. the cavemen of Jihad you are immediately called a Troll, chicken hawk, a sheeple, shill, fascist, Ditto-head, etc…

Never mind that the lynch pin of all of the problems facing the middle-east of the barely human horrors bought upon the region by radical Islam was pulled by Democrat President Jimmy Carter.....seen here.

....possibly the worst President to ever hold the reigns of power of this nation when you realize the fact that he was elected in reaction to the Nixon/Watergate fiasco and not because of his "leadership" skills. Consider this. 100 Americans are taken hostage by Iranian College students in the name of Ayatollah Khomeini and Peanut reacts by sending this POWERFUL letter.

Most of the neo-liberals are too young to even know what you were talking about if you were to mention the ‘Hostage Crisis’, the Marine barracks in Beirut and at least a dozen other terrorist acts by death loving Muslims. How many of the kids remember Ayatollah Assohola?

The easiest way to make clear the point of the differences between the two ‘camps’ I would direct you to the leading Blogs of both.
On one side you have ‘Little Green Footballs’

______________ _______________

I guess I would label LGF as the Republican site because to label LGF conservative does it a disservice as there are many opinions expressed and the respondents in the comments section actually butt heads, debate and sometimes even illuminate new ideas and solutions that are separate from whatever topic the comments may appear in response to.

On the other side…well, you have the Huffington Post. Bought to the World by Arianna Huffington from her headquarters ,located in El Segundo,Cal.

The Huffpo maintains an open comments policy whereas anyone can quickly register to respond to the topic at hand and while this differs from LGF(LGF has a limited registrar and you must be either invited or damned lucky to catch the registration open for new members) it does indeed suffer from its open policy. Much like America did Sept.11, 2001.

Now at first ‘some’ would think,"Hey! The LGF is a Fascist Regime! They Stifle Freedom of Speech! Those Sheeple! Those Ditto-heads! Shills! Blabbety Blah blah…I was on the lookout for just such a possibility when I first arrived there a year ago, and yes, most of the LGF seems to be of like mind and political persuasion they maintain the highest level of repartee, breakdown of the topics at hand and respect concerning their comments about others and towards each other.
After just a few months of checking in occasionally, the editor of Little Green Footballs proved that a Blog can be and perhaps should be more, much more than a simple sounding board for people’s thoughts and opinions. He personally busted Dan Rather and CBS for claiming they had produced documents accusing George Bush of dereliction of duty while serving with the National guard as a pilot and most recently has exposed the international news service ‘Reuters’ for photo-shopping photographs and staging and/or being used as propaganda tools by the Jihadist.

The Huffpo, it seems, has a larger readership according to on-line data and features a number of guest columnist and features stories on its site like as a newspaper of sorts, complete with fluff pieces and chock full of controversial Headlines with photo's pasted close bye to Spice it up for Huffzbullah consumption. Readers comments are pinned to each post but has never, not once, served the online community as anything but a vent for perhaps the lowest and base component of the BlogOsphere… the misguided and agitated liberal.


If convincing yourself calling people names, cursing the tenants of Judeo/Christian beliefs , anti-Semitism and stifling any and all debate by labeling people with a different opinion as a : Fascist, chicken hawk, shill, Ditto-head, Troll, oh and this favorite from the Huffpo regulars, “Christo-Fascist”, and convincing yourself you have won the argument at that point. Huffington post is the Blog for you.


I mean, c’mon, I don’t believe in God, I’m not Jewish and I agree GW can really screw up a prepared speech but…Who acts like that?

Well, that’s the name of the game at the Huffington Post.
Score so far…

LGF (1), HuffPo (0).

Then there is this…the very fact that the Huffpo has a free and open registry that allows anyone that wants to let themselves be heard must, in all fairness score a point for Huffzbullah…and so, as much as it pains me to announce at this point, the score is now

TIE - LGF (1), HuffPo (1).


It is because of the sad effect of the morass of unbridled mysterious people responding to the moderno effects of the call to be part of this, the newest form of expression and communication, ‘Le Blog Politick’ that many times the actual point of a particular post is lost among the furious pounding of a drum beat of trully disturbed individuals. HuffPo seems to be where these sort have come to roost.


If you are a Political Junkie like myself, and consider yourself leaning more closely to what has come to be known as (R)-Republican, then you probably read Drudge Report almost every time you enter cyberspace.

If you are a Political Junkie and consider yourself leaning more closely to what has come to be known as (D)-Democrat, then you also probably read Drudge Report almost every time you enter cyberspace.


The only exception to this would be 1) members of both (R) and (D) that either can’t read or do not have a computer. Or (D) is convinced Matt Drudge is a Troll, Fascist, Shill, chicken hawk, Ditto-head, and/or a Christo-Fascist.


I do not consider the Drudge Report to be a Blog but I do consider it the First Place for news in general, as does every radio host and television producer and News anchor in the Western world.

After my briefing I then read Michelle Malkin and LGF to fine tune the news of the day or to discover a story Drudge hadn’t scooped already. Afterwards I make my way to the Huffington Post and by then, between the reader’s comments of LGF and the HuffPo combined, I am painted quite a picture of the perspective and intent of both sides and I have to say, it’s not very pretty over there among the Huffzbullah. So, quality of the reader’s comments is definitely a point for (R) side.
Score one for Little Green Footballs.

LGF-(2), HuffPo-(1).


I like the layout of the Huffington Post better than any other website.
So that’s an easy point for (D) town.
Score one for Huffzbullah.

LGF-(2), HuffPo-(2)


I see lots of LOL’s, ROFL’s and BUHAHAHAHAHAH!’s in the comments section of the HuffPo but rarely have I seen anything truly humorous. It’s an odd sort of echo-chamber sort of place for the most part. When you do see a (R) post a comment that does not basically repeat the acceptability of the wide parameters that Huffzbullah operates from when representing their selves via their opinions you are suddenly witness to the wildest variety of personal, conspiratorial, and venomous abuse of another entity that I believe does and has ever existed among a large group of anonymous people w/opinions.
(D) Would argue that (R) is much of the same, an echo chamber of like minded people parroting talking points and preaching to the choir. In reply I would direct you to another (D) Blog, (and AIRMERICA to a certain extent)It, like LGF, controls its readers comments that are posted, although anyone can attempt to make themselves known there but every message is individually read and determined whether or not is will appear as is, not at all or in an altered form. The result is truly an echo-chamber effect. Mind numbing in its banality and crassly lacking in acumen.


LGF on the other hand is more of a crucible of accomplished contributors and dry wits abound. Lies crumble and dying giants pay attention to the Little Green Crucible.

Score a point for Little Green Footballs for quality wit and Banter. ...................... I'm Wit! ... and I am Banter ....................

LGF-(3), HuffPo-(2)


Please enjoy the halftime show...I present Arabs slicing small children and themselves in celebration of their sacred 'ASHURA' times, good times were had for all.

Well, that Ashura looks like a strange way to treat small babies but hey, it's the Religion of Piece, Whatya gonna do?


Kick-off and Huffzbullah is receiving.

Openly anti-Semitic remarks, lengthy frivolous post and conspiratorial atmosphere, which is the result of a large crowd of ex-hippies from ’68, bitter and deranged invalids, high school and college students, Bamboozled minorities, and coastal white elitist...


Crammed into the same space and being fed red meat. Even the vegans become rabid in this place. Point goes to Little Green Footballs.

Penalty-Huffzbullah- Remove one point from the score board please.

LGF-(4), HuffPo-(1).


Relevance is also an issue here. This is one easy. LGF breaks stories and is populated by people that bring with them and maintain a level decorum as well as fomenting an atmosphere of mostly intelligent people that together will strip down, analyze and put back together a story in the time it takes to photo shop minstrel blackface on an upside down possum.
Whereas…Huffzbullah is like the ‘Terror Dome’ and while you never know what to expect, you will be certain to find someone posting book-length cut’n’paste screeds about how Jews this or Jews that or how the CIA arranged 9/11.
Score another for the Lizardoids.

LGF-(5), HuffPo-(0).

Well, there you have it. I could of course toss a point towards Huffzbullah for being amusing (like a clown) but it doesn’t even come close. For being more disturbing than informative or amusing to me I have to remove another point from the Huffington Post.

-Final score for round one-
Little Green Footballs- (5) the Huffington Post- (-1)

*The Results are being disputed at this time by Huffzbullah.


Next Round: Blog Owner Appeal,Economic power,and introducing an all-star panel to debate the differances,good and bad,between Little Green Footballs and the Huffington Post.

Coming soon, The Judgemental Mouth Gallery.

-"We're gonna settle this once and for all."

Settle what you gross mouthed freak...?This Blog is about the difference between Little Green Footballs and the Huffington Post. What do you expect to ad to the debate?

Ohhhh Guuuurl, You Dindnt!

I 'Dindt' do what Mr.Homicus?

Puhleeeese....You ignorant christo-fascist cunt! The word is ADD! not AD! GOD where do you sheeple come from? I swear..GOSH!__

You get her good my gay friend!We have to stand STRONG against the JEWS and the Christo Fascist!



Oh Dear! Are we finally going to talk about Jews and Christofascist!Thank you Czarmangis..Thank you!



There you have it Folks...The battle lines have been drawn. Join me next week when the forces of good gather to fight the forces of evil to determine the future of this world.....This is Czarmangis signing off...


Welcome to round 2 of Little Green Footballs vs. Huffington Post. This time around I’d like to introduce an ALL-STAR panel of pundits to weigh in on how they perceive the two Blogs and the supposed intent that they convey to the world.

From the Left we have Fatty Arbuckle-

“Got Coke? Hehehe just kidding. I didn’t do it!I did Not have sex with that woman.”

Uhm….and also from the left we welcome a Nihilistic Anarchist Vegan


“Meat is murrrder Man!”

Ohhhkay and finally, rounding out the panel of guest representing the left we have Dan Rather

“You got to let the tail go with the hide you damned bubble gummer!”

" You tell him Dan-O! Truth to Power man...Truth to POWER!"

“I...errr..... found some documents that prove my real name is Renaldo Sassafras. Could you Speak Truth To Power and report on this Mr.Rather?"

"You damned right I will Renaldo!The People need to wake up and smell the magic that flows from my loins. This story will be like a gnarled straw broom being swung against the leathery scrotum of.… "

Okay Mr.Rather we still have to introduce our guest from the left.

“Oh you mean your collection of SHILLY CHRISTOFASCISTIC DOODOOHEADS?!?!"

uhm…..I’d like to introduce our first guest from the right…

“You FLAGWAVING SHILL!....Get on with it then, let's see who you have. I'll knock their dicks in the dirt Mister..."

“Go ahead CzarCreepo, Whats stopping you? I’m not talking now. C’mon. Stop being such an Asshole!”


"Excuuse me Czar…I am Ann Coulter and do not require any introduction thank you.”

" Yes Maam”

“ Fascist Cunt!"

"Hi Ann! Want a Cocola?”

Next, from the right I’d like to introduce you to Wafa Sultan, an Arab-American woman.

“Thank you very much Czarmangis.”

Hold on now. Wafa Sultan happens to be one of the worlds most respected voice of reason among the Arab community Mr.Rather. She is not Jewish.”

" fukkin Fascist Troglodyte shill..”

“ I on the right Blog?

“Oh…This is where you want to be Wafa baby…Trust me…

I must state that due to the requirements from the Left that this panel is comprised of three men vs. two women. We have all agreed to rules of debate that include no cursing , no personal attacks or threats unless directed towards Carson Daily.Shall we proceed?

"Lets do this thing..... "

"Let me at this bitch...Oh GOD let me at this bitch!

I’ll wrap a rope around

her adams apple so tight

Cider will pour out!”

“ Uhm…Dan,You ever been with a female that didn’t look like an armadillo shoved down into a crazy straw? That ain’t a Adams apple…that’s a slender throat holding up a damned fine looking face that is attached to a sexy sinewy body that in the middle has a tight little…"




“Can we get along with this dog and pony show Czar has gathered us here for?

I have things to do.”

My Apologies Ann and Wafa…uhm…anyways….lets start with Wafa. Ms.Sultan, The World has stood up and taken notice of your captivating interview that was shown on Al-Jezeera and picked up my and your words have been a clarion call to Muslims that are unhappy with how they are perceived in the world by virtue of tactics employed by the usual vociferous suspects of the 7th century ideologues that lay claim to Islam now that receive the attention of a blood thirsty and action oriented media that seems to shun moderate rationale and rather seems comfortable with tossing red meat to the hounds… You are admired by the most hopeful people on both sides of the line. At least in societies that even permit individual opinions which Arab nations are not and have never been permitted since the introduction of Islam. Let me ask you first.Whats the deal with the Huffington Post?

“Thank you Czarmangis, I think the ‘Deal’ with the Huffington Post’ is thus. It serves as a sort of honey pot for the far left. Liberals are attracted to the Huffpo because it presents no wall between how they feel and what they think. In that place they are permitted to make the most fallow attacks upon anyone they so desire and because they are communicating within a ‘readers response’ section attached to a story they have become accustomed to outlandish statements and a sort of Mob mentality that often results in a hateful screed and a final attack at the end of their post that they then claim has nullified the opinion of anyone thinking differently from them because they have already labeled them as ‘Trolls,ChristoFacist,Shills and many other combinations of some sort of their own vocabulary which introduces non-words and non-terms to make their arguments make sense to them and them alone. That makes them feel happy inside I suspect.”

“Shitheaded Dyke! You Fukkin FASCIST BUSH LICKIN ASS WIPE!"

“You sound like a squirrel chattering on

hot Texas asphalt with a broken tooth.”

“Ann has a purty neck.”

Okay …uhm… Dan? Whats the deal with the Huffpo?

“ Finally! GOD!I thought that woman was never going to shut up. Let me say this to Miss SATAN! The Huffington Post represents the Blog that our Forefathers would have created. Its readers Hate Religion and they Hate Jews and they are more smarter than Anyone else! The Huffpo is like a small mouse riding on the back of the Elephant sized Main street Media and in my opinion do a fine job speaking Truth to Power, wich as you know I am a big proponent of. So...Fuck you SATAN WOMAN!”

“ Yeah,thaats right..The Huffington Post is a small mouse on the back of the elephant MSM. The one time it crawls down and sticks its mouse dick into the elephant the elephant steps onto a sharp thorn and when the elephant says ‘OUCH’ the little mouse says “Suffer…bitch.” …..delusion...all delusion."

Wow ....We have a real barn burner here people. I have to go to the little Czars room for a minute, please hold your thoughts until I return...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have some serious emotional issues and i beg you to get some help

you are the most small minded and stupid fucking moron that has ever graced this beautiful earth. you need to be educated. i actually feel pity for you

8:51 PM  
Blogger Czarmangis said...

So..I guess a Blow job is out of the question?

9:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gawd yer dumb.

10:00 PM  
Blogger Czarmangis said...

I'm dumb and you're a coward. Lets see your Blog, Genius.

10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, while I do favor LGF over Huff I wouldn't penalize them as severely as you do. True idiots do tend to run amok there but it provides a window onto a world of hate that people need to be made aware of.

Ever tried Sandmonkey or Iraq the Model?

5:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fuck stain

9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get help and fast, you have been taking Huffy way to seriously.

Drudge a nmuber one news source?


There is a whole world of wonderful people out there.

Feminazi from HP

2:16 AM  
Blogger Czarmangis said...

Well...looks like the Liberals are playing their part. Dance puppets..

6:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sad that although you mentioned in your analysis that Huffington Post is free and open for anyone to post, including conspiracy wackos, spammers, disrupters, and anti-semites, including members of your own (R) party that deliberately put such posts there, you conclude that these posters must be liberals and therefore sums up the regular community on the blog.

Nothing is farther from the truth. You will find the one thing most posters agree on from all political sides, is a wish that Huffpo editors would find a way to stop the conspiracy wackos, spammers, disrupters, and anti-semites from posting, or direct requests to them that they stop it and shut up.


Anyway, this blog is stupid.

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I think the voices in your head could use an editor.

10:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stopped reading at the word Huffzbollah. I knew there was no way I could take you seriously anymore after that. You've submitted yourself to the world of the crazies that accuse liberals of siding with terrorists. What do you think the majority of liberals will be thinking about on the upcoming anniversary of September 11th? Do you think they'll just ignore it? Do you think they'll be giving each other high fives and going "Osama rules!" You're pretty far gone if you do.

I just want to clear up why the Huffzbollah comment is so stupid. Most liberals did not take sides in the war between Israel and Hezbollah. It's pretty fucking obvious that Hezbollah are Islamic fundamentalists that need to be stopped. If you can find me a liberal that directly disagrees with that statement, I'll find you a conservative that wants all believers of Islam to be exterminated.

Now, at the same time that Hezbollah was perpetrating terrible acts by firing rockets into residential areas in Haifa, Israel was launching cluster bombs into residential areas in Lebanon. It's likely that some that haven't exploded yet will kill someone innocent in the near future. When Israel was killing civilians just as Hezbollah was killing civilians, liberals got angry at the disregard for human life that an ally of the United States of America was showing. They expected better of Israel, or at least I did. Part of the reason that liberals get so confused when conservatives question their loyalty is that there is no argument to be had for any US citizen when it comes to the question of "Are terrorists bad?" So trying to demean and discredit liberals by accusing them of siding with terrorists is stupid, immature and it has no merit in any argument. Yet people on the right and even people in high places in the government continue to do it.

10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, czarmaggot, you're still a shit-sucking Repiglican. I'll bet your favorite meal is a steaming plate of Cheney's stool washed down with Karl Rove's piss straight from the "tap." Get your gutless chickenhawk ass over to Iraq so the jihadists can cut your fucking head off.

2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blah Blah Blah

Someone needs their Prozac
or reality check.

Bitter....aren't you

7:53 PM  
Blogger Czarmangis said...

Sometimes I have to hide the truth,lest it become too truthy.

12:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You wrote all that nonsence and didn't even realize that your attempt to make "us think" just showed your an anti-semite. You really need to check your facts. President Clinton had more jewish people on his staff and cabinet than President Bush. And so what if we support the only free democratic country in the middle east. isn't that a good thing? ANd don't give me that Palistine beat down nonsence. They were given every oppurtunity to live along side of the Jews but that isn't what they want. Two state solution.... Nope All Jews into the sea? Thats what they want and they when kill everyone one of their children to get what they want.

7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't have an email. thought you might like this:

-- Mardukhai

11:45 PM  

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